Amplifying & Embodying the Experience of the Sacred: Unveiling the Seat of Majesty

February 20, 2025 - February 24, 2025

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Amplifying & Embodying the Experience of the Sacred: Unveiling the Seat of Majesty

Become the magic.

When you start to experience the seat of majesty, of love, without all of the gobs of human distortion, you’re returning to your natural state of being.

You experience the so-called “ordinary”, filled with wonder and magic. #EpicForReal

It doesn’t mean that you don’t have discernment or that you don’t hold your space. Quite the contrary.

Your perception and intuition heighten, becoming more acute. You gain clarity. Your perspective expands.

Love just becomes a much greater part of your experience of reality. Without expectation. Without the distortion of lack or yearning or need.

And life loves you back.

Because it can.

Because you don’t have a pack of distortions in full linebacker mode blocking what’s possible. All of the abundance, the joy, the silliness, the laughter, the spaciousness of time, the connection and the sheer delight of being alive.

Not everyone gets to experience this.

But you can. You just have to rise to the frequency resonance where you ARE it.

Your resonance is your superpower for embodying the sacred. That’s where we’re going in this retreat.

I hope you’ll join us!

***For this event, replays will only be available for those who register to attend live (in-person or streaming). They will not be available for purchase separately after the event.


Learn More & Register Here