
Free Community Support

Our passion and love at Spherical Luminosity is to assist the rise in consciousness of humanity. Our offerings are carefully curated to ensure that everyone can access the work. All financial situations are catered for and we ensure that the quality of the work is never compromised. Enjoy our FREE resources below.

Free new paradigm meditations

Free new paradigm meditations

Sit back and enjoy watching or listening to our podcast/vlog “Mastering Your World Through Frequencies”.

This video and podcast series is an exploration of how things really work behind the curtain of illusion. Why things are the way they are, the reason people experience the things they do and how much power we have to upgrade our reality. At the end of each episode, Karen provides a free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) meditation for those who actually want to experience change. Intellectual understanding is great but if you want things to shift, the frequency work is where it happens!

Subscribe to our newsletter, for emails of upcoming episodes, as well as a monthly newsletter for Individual Frequency Calibration® (IFC) session availability with Karen, and news on upcoming events and offers .

Through our mailing list, you can also look forward to receiving notifications for upcoming YouTube Lives – a free community support, that Karen provides live on YouTube (usually 1-2 times a month). Each session covers a different topic and includes a live Q&A, and free GFC meditation. Another way to find out about upcoming YouTube Live events is to subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications.

Need help quieting your mind?

Need help quieting your mind?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by how much there is to worry about?

Is it sometimes hard to stop your mind from spinning over the same things over and over again?

Maybe your thoughts seem so damn loud?

What if you knew what caused all of that? And more importantly, could turn down the volume of all that stuff in your head?

Sign up here for your free class + GFC meditation

Learn the 6 Essential Ingredients for a Juicy, Soul-Connected Relationship

Learn the 6 Essential Ingredients for a Juicy, Soul-Connected Relationship

Discover what really matters AND the root cause that stops you from having the relationship you yearn for.

We debunk one of the worst relationship myths most people believe—an outdated idea that practically guarantees your love will fail.

Sign up here for your free class + GFC meditation.

Free Community Support GFC meditations

Free Community Support GFC meditations

Check out the free GFC meditations available here