
Limitless Potential Mastermind®

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THIS MASTERMIND IS NOW CLOSED! Experience the ground-breaking frequency work of the Limitless Potential Mastermind® (LPM)!

LPM is about discovering what is possible as an infinite being in a human body.

To transcend what we have been taught, what we expect and what we believe – things that keep us bound in separateness, disconnection and lack.

To truly become aware of the limitless nature . . . of you!

Frequency work and LPM have been a catalyst to my progress towards finding my voice and purpose in this life with incredible abundance.

– Chelsea F., Costa Rica

What you’ll receive from this transformative experience:

  • Join a small, intimate group of no more than 12 members so you can get the personal attention needed to make progress
  • Two 1.5 – 2 hr virtual meetings a month for five months, during which you get to take part in increasingly powerful, precise, and intense frequency work
  • Access to Karen to ask any questions you have on any subject
  • Membership in the LPM Community—a small but supportive group of like-minded people who are dedicated to growth and accountability
  • BONUS #1 Attendance (in-person or streaming) at our upcoming Bainbridge Island (Seattle) program for just $195 (regular admission is $695). If you attend live, you can bring +1 for free (a savings of $1195 off the cost of admission for two)
  • BONUS #2 Replays of the LPM Exclusive session we’ll be doing while we’re in Scotland on our epic adventure in the fall of 2024.
  • BONUS #3 If you are joining us in Scotland, you will also receive an invitation to an exclusive LPM dinner we’ll be having while we’re there.
  • To participate in the Limitless Potential Mastermind for 6 months is $6000



“When I signed up for Limitless Potential Mastermind, it was a big step for me. I ran a lot of scarcity patterns, and the minute I actually made the commitment that I was going to sign up for LPM, I just felt the momentum kick in.

I finally feel like I’m able to step more into my power. I have much more knowingness, much more trust in myself. I’m getting to a different level of surrender that I didn’t know was possible for me in particular because I used to run a lot of control patterns. My intuition has also heightened.

I now have this inner confidence that I never ever had before even though I had done years of frequency work.

I honestly think the most amount of growth that I have perceived in myself has probably been in the past six to seven months when I decided to join LPM.

LPM just really gave me that momentum that I needed to really accelerate to the next level.”

– Paget K., CA, USA

“Before starting the Limitless Potential Mastermind, my challenges were these looping thoughts, of being stuck and why I can’t do what I wanted to do. I’d only see the obstacles and yet I knew I wanted to change my circumstances. I always ended up with the thoughts of why I can’t.

Since LPM, the distortion patterns and thoughts that used to be trigger points before, that used to carry an emotional charge, don’t anymore. The roadblock just isn’t there. As a result, EVERYTHING started shifting in my life, where I live, financial situations, my relationships, ultimately my relationship to myself.

Everything seems to be for the better. I’m aligned more strongly in my center. And because of that, I can create things more easily in my life. I put my intention on something and sometimes within hours, I start to see it shifting to align with that intention. Amazing! Thank you for making this available!”

– Melinda M., CA, USA

“My challenge before joining LPM was disconnection from self and others in life in general. Since as far back as I can remember, I’ve been traveling through life not having any indication of who I am, a deep, lonely feeling within myself that I didn’t belong. I’ve always felt that everybody’s opinion was more important, more knowledgeable than mine.

My experience since joining LPM has been phenomenal!

I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. It’s like there is this beautiful light shining inside that has been there all along. I never even knew it was there. I could sense it in others, but never really thought it was in me. There is also a deeper opening up of my intuition which is starting to grow.

I can now speak my truth and not be so affected by what people think. This has been HUGE as I’ve always wanted to be liked by other people. How empowering it is to be able to say honestly how I feel. It feels as if I am now really living life much more solidly and in the flow. I know even throughout challenges that my life is going to be much richer, fuller, and expansive.

It feels like a new life, one that is only just beginning. THANK YOU!”

– Pam H., New Zealand

“Limitless Potential Mastermind has been incredibly powerful. Frequency work in general is the most profoundly transformative work that I’ve come across in my life.

Limitless Potential Mastermind just takes it to another level by providing a framework and a support structure to facilitate this type of deep transformation that happens through this work. It’s really been fascinating to witness how I’ve changed, how the other members of the group have changed over the course of the last six months.

And while it hasn’t always been easy confronting some of the heavier things that have come up in all of us, it has been so worth it.

Right now, the world is so intense and there’s so much oppression, divisiveness, rancor and all these really, really unpleasant things happening. And yet, for me personally, I just continue to feel more and more ease in my life. That is just priceless.”

– Tim A., CA, USA

“I’ve participated in two Limitless Potential Masterminds. What I noticed in the first six months, which is what caused me to sign up for the second six months, is a lot of extra flow in my life, and things falling into place in a way that they hadn’t before LPM.

When I say flow and synchronicities — I don’t have to work as hard to do the things that I want to do or achieve in my business. They just fall into my lap, the people that I meet and the frequency of humans who are coming into my life who seem to just vibrate at a higher level. And that’s something that I couldn’t have appreciated a few years ago or even understood.

I’m experiencing life at an ease and a flow that I haven’t ever before.”

– Kristin R., MN, USA

“I really valued, loved and enjoyed my experience in the LPM. One of my challenges before starting this program was staying anchored in my body, as I could easily float out. Also, there were parts of me that were hiding in the shadows that I wanted to uncover, discover and embody deeper.

During the LPM, I was able to rise into a higher octave of wholeness, inner expansion, joy and transformation. I was able to discover more mastery for staying anchored in my body. And, this really help me become more comfortable and accepting of the rawness, of my humanness and being in a male body. I feel I have cultivated, a greater stability and resourcefulness, in the vibration of my purpose with more remembrance of my essence, as the Source within.

I feel like my future is going to be very different because I’m vibrating in a much wider bandwidth of grounded possibility, embodied inner freedom and awakened choice, since I am more present being in space and time. I am so thankful for Karen’s clear communication, leadership and her adept skill at pointing out my issues, with precise attention, care and insight. I really appreciated the many ways of background support that Chris provided us behind the scenes.  And, I love how we came together as a group and were able to uplift each other by being in this amazing, powerful, safe and fun container.”

– Robert B., CA, USA