

Expressing the Light Codes: Mastering Quantum Embodiment

February 9, 2024 - February 13, 2024

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Expressing the Light Codes: Mastering Quantum Embodiment

When you activate the light codes, everything changes. Your potential exponentially expands, along with your frequency resonance.

What becomes possible for you in terms of who you are, how you contribute to others and what opportunities become available for you to be your highest, best and most abundant self shifts up spectacularly. Through that you also gain access to an even deeper awareness and connection with the One.

And something incredible happens. You have an opportunity to express quantum consciousness through the unique, physical embodiment that is you.

Being able to access this level of vibration and brilliance is new to us. To humanity.

But we need to be active in this new unfolding.

In this powerful retreat we’ll cultivate new possibilities of abundance, avoid the tripping hazards that will inevitably surface as we explore this newness, and strengthen internally so we can not only hold this resonance but also intentionally direct it for the greatest good of all. Refining and expanding your ripple effect.

By doing focused, intensive frequency work, you’ll start to become more aware of yourself as quantum consciousness. And that deepening awareness begins to dissolve the old paradigm limitations that you have around who you can be and what you get to experience.  

This retreat includes:

  • 5 days of powerful, intensive frequency work on a cutting edge topic so you can be your best you, and experience life and leadership in a whole new way 
  • Optimized integration so your body can keep pace with the frequency work (TWO Network Spinal Analysis entrainments, breathwork, guided movement classes with national level coach)
  • Welcome dinner under the stars on the first evening
  • Free time to explore the magical town of San Miguel De Allende
  • A powerful, high level mastermind with others committed to being their best expression of self
  • Video & audio replays for you to deepen and expand the work after you return home

February 9-13, 2024 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

We hope to see you in Mexico soon!

Let’s rise together!


Registration is closed. Questions? Please email [email protected]