LYB shining

“Living your brilliance”

The shift to the new paradigm is happening.
Don’t get left behind. Watch below.

Client Stories

Living Your Brilliance is super, super fun, vibrant, joyful and very empowering. I love it!

Holly G.

Before I started Living Your Brilliance®, I was really in my head, feeling blocked by different things. Now I feel really centered and at peace going about my daily life.

Daniela G.
After a few weeks of being in the Living Your Brilliance® series, in the middle of my work day or when I was outside running,  I started having random moments of what I can only describe as sheer awesomeness. In those moments, it’s as if time stops and everything is perfect. I’ve never experienced such a deep sense of completeness.
This program helps keep my stress levels extremely low and my mind clear – even when facing the challenges of the multiple mergers and acquisitions that my company is going through. This series is so simple and so amazing, I hope more people join so they can fully experience what life can be about.
Mauricio V.
I’ve been on my spiritual path for a long time – over 35 years and I have my own healing practice. The Living Your Brilliance® series is the most powerful work that I’ve ever learned how to do. 
I just feel better. Happier. Stronger. It’s wonderful to be able to hold this brilliant state throughout the day, where I feel lighter and brighter. It just gives me more energy, and I end up feeling more renewed by the end of the day, instead of feeling exhausted. 
Wonderful coincidences are coming into my life. Things are coming together in my life at a faster rate. I’m feeling like my whole life is upleveling.
Kim E.
The Living Your Brilliance® Series is not just about getting rid of all the things that we don’t want, which is important, but it’s about cultivating the experience of life that we do want.
The expansiveness, the stillness and the vibrancy that you get to experience by being able to access your brilliance at random times during the day is amazing. Sometimes it’ll last a whole day or a couple of days. 
I now have more confidence, more of a knowing of what my true potential is. I’m really just excited to see how this evolves!”
Paget K.
Living Your Brilliance® is more powerful than anything I’ve ever done. It truly helps you become aware of, and honor the strength that you have in yourself and the ability you have to help create the life that you want to live. 
I suffer less – I almost don’t suffer at all. Joy and lightness enters your life without much effort. And the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing is that it’s like a domino effect. It comes through you and touches and uplifts people around you without having to do anything but be you!
Joelle C.

I highly recommend Living Your Brilliance® for anyone that just wants to catapult their life forward and feel merged with their spirit. Since starting Living Your Brilliance, my life has been completely pure magic and synchronistic, even amidst the outside chaos, COVID and whatnot going on.

Patricia G.

Living Your Brilliance® helps to very quickly pull me into the present moment, understand beyond the mind and really sense my own brilliance wherever I am and in whatever situation I’m in. It’s very empowering!

Melinda M.
Living your brilliance to me is the power of now in action. It allows you to access and benefit from the now. Before, my experience living in this world was that there are so many problems, we cannot have inner peace. 
But Living Your Brilliance® is a game changer because it allows you to know and experience that the divine is in you. We don’t have to keep suffering. We can choose to have peace.
Elsie C.
For More Stories

Pivotal live meditation series to help you to shift from the lack and limitations of the old consciousness to the limitless potential and abundance of the new consciousness.

You’ll receive:

  • 6 powerful Group Frequency Calibration® meditations (GFCs) that will release the conscious and unconscious blocks that keep you stuck in the limited ego/mind perspective into the awareness of who you truly are as infinite, indestructible consciousness having an embodied human experience. Seriously.
  • Given on Mondays and Thursdays (at 7pm PT) via Zoom, intentionally spaced to give you the most momentum 
  • 30-Day money-back guarantee. Cancel any time
  • Audio-only replays delivered to your inbox if you want to listen again or if you miss a live session

BONUS: “Living Your Brilliance® INTENSIVE”

2.5 hour workshop where you’ll learn frameworks and strategies to access the best you possible at any given moment, PLUS powerful Group Frequency Calibration® meditations to provide the momentum to break free from the patterns that keep you from experiencing the flow, ease and happiness of who you truly are. ($195 value)

Register now for access