While many of our products are audio only, the products below are for events that were streamed live (usually via Zoom) and therefore have a video replay. Since Karen teaches visually at times, it’s often helpful to see the visual aids she is using.
We’ve received lots of great feedback on these video events, with people saying that participating by video has been particularly powerful for them, helping them realize deep shifts and transformation.

Mastery & Momentum: Refining The Core Essentials (Full Course)
After having helped thousands of people in their spiritual and personal journeys, Karen has identified 6 core essentials that when practiced, give people the most momentum for huge positive change in their lives, whether they’re a total beginner or someone very experienced.
Refining and mastering these core essentials is the “secret special sauce” for accelerated awakening.
They completely shift how we experience the challenges that life can put in our way.
Rather than getting pulled down by life’s challenges, you can instead use them to fuel growth, clarity, and that all-important rise in your frequency resonance.
In this transformational 3-part series you’ll receive:
- Three 2-hour workshops that will give you the confidence, knowledge and skills to know exactly what to do to rise above the things that trigger you, to gain growth and clarity from challenge and begin to master your reality
- A breakdown of each core essential, from beginner level up through advanced, so that you can practice and continue to refine at whatever level you’re at and clearly see where you’re headed
- Potent new Group Frequency Calibration® meditations (GFCs) to meet you where you are and take you up to the next level and beyond
- Easy to use video & audio replays so you can go at your own pace and repeat where you need to
Refining and mastering these six core essentials will help you to start to experience liberation, awakening, and the abundance of the new paradigm.

Mastery & Momentum: Refining The Core Essentials (Individual Sections)

Living Your Brilliance Intensive
Your brilliance is not something outside of you that you need to find or obtain—it IS you.
How do we shift from seeking our brilliance, from seeking awakening and abundance outside of ourselves, to being aware of, experiencing and living the brilliance that is innately us?
We are in a critical time, and where you put your focus absolutely matters in terms of our choice to accelerate into and being able to integrate the higher resonating frequencies or to stay in the lower frequency resonances. This is about refining ourselves, making ourselves ready to live the new consciousness.

Spherical Leadership – Catalyzing New Paradigm Change
With a world in turmoil, the ‘old paradigm’ style of leadership, dominated by power-hungry, self-serving “leaders,” is way outdated.
So many are desperate for change, but it seems hopeless, and they don’t know what to do.
Although it can be perceived as dire, we’re actually on the cusp of tremendous change.
And that change begins with us—within us.

Stability, Growth, Opportunity & Leadership Amidst Chaos
This is a very turbulent time. Starting with the wildfires in California and Australia, then with the COVID-19 pandemic, political turmoil, widespread racial protests, increasing oppression of peaceful protest and intensification of natural disasters, things are getting progressively more chaotic. These events are revealing and intensifying what we have not wanted to look at collectively: systemic oppression, leadership abuse, collective fear and often a shocking lack of personal accountability.