
Managing the Physical Lag – Shifting Detox



These days so many are feeling “off” in some way: physically fatigued, and/or physically symptomatic with things ranging from headaches to stomach disruption to UTIs. For others, there’s more anxiety, more stress, or more worry than usual—even for those who are doing their best to hold their space.

We’re in a time when increasing waves of extremely high-level frequencies are washing through all levels of consciousness. It’s part of the process of transitioning from a lower level of consciousness to a higher one. When this happens, our distortions start to flare and amplify, giving us an opportunity to really notice them so we can choose to focus on releasing them.

So this is a period of detoxification that we can use to help us purge the density that no longer serves us.

For those of us doing frequency work, because we understand what’s happening we can use this time to accelerate.

Those who are not doing any kind of inner work, they’re also in that state of detox, but not understanding what it is, and will often not manage it very well. This is quite evident in the behavior of many of the people around us.

In a period of such intense purging and acceleration, for those of us doing frequency work, many of us will find that our physical, mental, and emotional bodies need help pacing with all of this tremendous change.

Especially if you’re sensitive you likely need additional support because whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re perceiving and being impacted by the detox of others, which can make it harder to hold your space.

And for anyone doing the powerful frequency work that we’re doing, using this time to accelerate, you may notice that you need this extra support to help you from feeling like you’re mired in the detox experience.

Join Karen in this Deep Dive (3-part GFC series) to help you to manage, align and accelerate the physical to pace better with all of the extraordinary change that is available to us.

Getting caught in the physical lag can inadvertently create drag on our momentum, on top of just feeling yucky!