
Overcoming Social Awkwardness



Do you find yourself not quite knowing what to talk to people about, or what to do with your hands, or how to stand when in social situations? Is regret for something you should have said or should have done better in a social setting something you experience often? Do you wish you could have more ease when interacting with others? Are you afraid or worried about being yourself in social situations?

Join Karen in this GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) as she works with your Higher Self to help you:

  • Be more at ease with who you are
  • Allow others to have more ease around you
  • Release the need to have others’ approval
  • Delete the pattern of self-judgement and over-sensitivity to judgment or perceived judgment from others
  • Let go of the need or desire to appear or be perceived in a certain way
  • Amplify curiosity about those around you and the ability to be fully present when listening

So you can feel more at ease with who you are whether you’re alone or with other people.