
Episode 11: True Discipline vs. Control

Man, I love to eat. My whole family does. When I was growing up, whenever my dad went away on business in Europe or Asia, when he got back we never asked him what he saw, we always asked him what he ate. Just a tad food obsessed! And since I was about 15 until...

Episode 8: The Two Things That Will Trip You Up The Most Part 2

When I was a little girl my parents would occasionally do a crab or lobster boil and it would always freak me out a bit to watch them drop something alive into a boiling pot of water. I don’t know for sure if it’s true, but supposedly when crabs or...

Episode 7: The Two Things That Will Trip You Up The Most. Part 1

Every once in a while I can be a total spazzo klutz and trip on the randomest thing. I’ll look behind me after I’ve semi-wiped out there doesn’t even seem to be anything there. What is THAT about? Usually, the more of a rush I’m in and the faster I’m going, the...

Episode 5: How To Get To Where You Want To Be

  Sometimes, it’s hard to get rolling. Even if it’s as simple as getting a glass of water from the fridge, sometimes the warm and comfy sofa in the living room seems darn hard to get out of. Once we get going though, things usually seem a lot whole lot easier. The...

Episode 4: Gift of the Body

Learn how to leverage the body to propel you forward spiritually. SUMMARY: ·        The secret to awakening, the knowledge you seek – already exists deep within you. Trying to escape out of the body takes you further away from where you are trying to go....