When I was growing up, I read a LOT.

I even tried to convince my sister that “library” was an awesome game.

This was a “game” I invented, where whoever could sit and read for the longest, without talking to the other, won. Turns out she was too smart to fall for that. Dangit!

Anyway, I used to love sequels to my favorite books.

There was always something about diving back in with characters that I had come to know and love, that I really enjoyed.

The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, Pippi Longstocking, The Little House on the Prairie series – these were some of my favorites, and the sequels were, to me at least, just as good as the first book in the series.

Last week’s episode of Mastering Your World Through Frequencies was all about questions that you’ve been asking and there were so many good questions that we couldn’t answer them all in one sitting. This week we continue on in the same vein with Episode #65, Mechanics of Spirit Part 2, addressing even more of the questions that came in. Intriguing ones, too, like:

What is the veil of forgetting?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

What is the pain body? Can we get rid of it?

How does rising in frequency vibration impact your relationship to linear time?

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part – this GFC is focused on helping you clarify your ability to recognize distortion patterns that are running through you, so you can focus on removing them. Without removing these distortion patterns, we stay stuck because we’re not sure what to do next or what is causing us to be where we are.

Clarity and removing the distortion patterns is more important than ever right now as the world continues to move through the chaos of COVID-19 into the longer term uncertainty of what is happening with the economy.

To be internally stable on spirit level means that we are closer to being in a more neutral state, less affected by what is happening externally.

That means being in a stronger position to make better choices, to be able to discern what is really happening and not getting swept up so easily in what everyone else is feeling.

Combined with last week’s GFC on confirming the removal of distortion patterns, you’ll have really beefed up your frequency work toolbox.

Hope you enjoy the sequel as much as the first episode!  

Until next time,


Join Karen and Dennis as they conclude their exploration of the mechanics of spirit.

Covered in this segment:

What is the purpose of the physical body?

What is the importance of experiencing density?

What is the veil of forgetting?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

What is the pain body? Can we get rid of it?

What is the Eternal Now?

What is the difference between the Eternal Now, the zero point, and linear time?

How does rising in frequency vibration impact your relationship to linear time?