When I was growing up, my parents worked very hard and sacrificed a lot of things they wanted for themselves so my sister and I could receive what they felt was the best education possible.
What that meant was we ended up going to one of the most exclusive all girls private schools in Montreal.
It was the 80s, and I really wanted a Ralph Lauren polo t-shirt.
You know, the one with the rider on the horse. Worn with the collar turned up. Naturally.
I asked my mom for one. She had no idea what I was talking about but when she found out that they were $65 − $15 more than the shoes she bought me to wear for the year, there was absolutely NO WAY I was getting one.
I was a little devastated but completely unsurprised.
The next day the girl I shared locker space with, announced her mom had just bought her a Polo t-shirt in every color available.
One shared locker. Two very different experiences.
In this episode, Dennis and I discuss the frequency of abundance, why it is so elusive for so many, why even those who have a lot of money can experience high levels of scarcity, and how to achieve abundance.
The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part – it will start to help you clear the distortion patterns that prevent you from experiencing abundance.

Without clearing the distortion patterns around this, abundance will always remain outside of you and something you chase even if you want it very badly.
Ironically, the more we want it, the more elusive that frequency becomes.
Once we achieve neutrality around it (which sounds simple but isn’t always easy!), abundance starts to flow into our reality in unexpected ways.
Until next time!



  • It is possible to have a lot of money without feeling like one is abundant. The most common root of this are patterns of low self-worth or non-deserving which create the experience of scarcity.
  • The experience of abundance is relative and subjective. There are some who do not have a lot of money relatively speaking, but who experience the fullness and happiness of the experience of true abundance because they resonate with that frequency.
  • When we want something very badly, that desire creates more tension and distance between us and that thing we yearn for. We see it as outside of ourselves – something we strive for, that we want to attain. As a result, it is outside of who we are and therefore the experience of it gets further away from us. Because we struggle to attain it, and it feels beyond our reach, we can mistake this for being unworthy of abundance or that we or others have to be bad people in order to have it. Clearing these distortion patterns is the key to achieving an experience of abundance.
  • Many people are happy to give, but tend to be uneasy when receiving. The key is to have neutrality around both. Entitlement does not attract true abundance because that arrogance is an indication of needing to feel superior or better than something or someone else to have worth. People who experience and express entitlement may attract money, but because money is an amplifying frequency it will only highlight their emptiness on spirit level which will cause them to try and fill it by consuming more physical things which continues to highlight their emptiness.
  • As we remove more frequency distortion patterns, as a natural consequence we become less attached to external validation, including the need to have money as a source of comfort or certainty or worthiness. As we experience more detachment, we often find that money starts to come in from unexpected places to pay for things. It just sorts itself out so we don’t experience a lack. We realize that we are being provided for from a much higher level because we are internally more stable (meaning we know we don’t need money to be OK).
  • Abundance is about access, not ownership. You don’t need to own something in order to have the experience of this. If you had a friend with a yacht who takes you sailing all the time, would you need to own the boat?