When I first started meditating people would tell me to go within.

I found that very confusing because for me, when I tried to go within my body I’d kind of feel…nothing.

And it wasn’t a “good stillness” nothing. It was almost blank. No information. No input. Like a blank screen.

If however someone in a guided meditation directed me to imagine going to furthest reaches of the universe, that was AWESOME, and easy. I could be there almost instantly.

Why was there such a difference?

It turns out, it’s all about perspective, and orientation of that perspective.

It was only when I discovered Dr. Donny Epstein’s work that I understood why one perspective was harder for me than another, and how I could shift what I learned from other people who were unaware of the perspective that they held to work better for how I tended to see the world.

In this week’s episode (#82) Internal vs External—How It Makes A Difference, Dennis and I discuss my understanding of Donny’s model and how it can change how we perceive and experience meditation, ourselves and the world.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end will begin to help you to release a perspective that is more of an energy drain than a resourcing so you can choose something that helps you accelerate best.

Without clearing these patterns, we can often find ourselves at odds with our own experience of the world and are much less effective in helping others.

Here’s to clearer contribution!

Until next time,



•   Having a new way to see and interpret the world can change habits, improve our efficiency, and allow us to better understand how we work best. In one of Dr. Donny Epstein’s many paradigms, people generally fall into two categories, two ways of being in and relating to the world: internals and externals.

•   People who identify as internal tend to enjoy focusing on the past, and they don’t like to project too much into the future. They appreciate an incremental, step-by-step process and don’t favor big leaps in thinking. Theirs is a self-referencing perspective: the world is framed through their own experience. An internal is very happy in the body, in going within. Meditation comes more easily.

•   Externals love thinking about the future, possibility, and big new ideas. They like to leap into new things and tend to have pain in regard to the past—they’d rather be thinking about the future. Their worldview tends to be more outside-referencing: less inward, more outward.

•   Focusing internally is a challenge for externals, so it can be helpful to reframe meditation to suit this perspective. Rather than going into your body, simply have the awareness of it. Pinch a finger. Know that you’re anchored in your body. Then feel free to see your body from a different perspective—ahead or behind you—but know that you’re inside of it. Just know that you’re in that space, even if your vantage point isn’t coming from within.

•   Internals tend to have difficulty expanding outward, so they might choose to modulate their visualizations during GFCs. Instead of expanding infinitely outward, go infinitely within. Feel the infiniteness of your brilliance in the space within you.

•   As you rise in frequency vibration, the extremes will drop away. You’ll likely experience a narrowing of your place on this spectrum, coming to the zero point between the internal and external. Infinitely out and infinitely in are the same thing, and you can access both at the same time.