There were some kids I knew when I was growing up who just loved roller coasters. The steeper the drop, the tighter the curve, the more they loved it.

I was NOT one of those kids.

I liked the rides where it felt like you were flying, like those flying swings that went around in a circle. I wasn’t really into the whole dropping stomach feeling.

Whenever I did get cajoled onto a roller coaster, I’d spend almost the entire ride gripping onto or bracing myself against something, trying (quite pointlessly) to keep my stomach from being violently pitched around.

These times we’re living through now can feel a bit like the most prolonged roller coaster ride ever.

Is there a way for us to cultivate stability in a time of chaos, when so many things seem to be breaking down?

In this week’s episode (#86) – the first release of our guerilla filming, Dennis and I discuss why things are happening from a bigger picture, the most effective way to cultivate stability internally despite (or maybe even because of) what’s going on around us, and how to even use all this turmoil as an opportunity for growth.

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part – it will begin to help you to cultivate more inner strength and stability, and start to shift your perspective from the “little s self” to “the big S Self” (or identified through Spirit rather than the ego/mind).

Without this shift in perspective, it can be very easy to get caught up in the stress and anxiety of this time.

I hope this episode is helpful for you, and please forward it on to anyone you know who you think might benefit from a shift in perspective and some powerful frequency work.

The more of us who are working on raising our resonance the better off we all are!

Let’s rise together.



•   As polarization and natural disasters get more intense, it can be easy to succumb to fatigue, sadness, depression, and hopelessness. Remaining centered and grounded can help you overcome the chaos. One way to do this is shift your perspective: from (little “s”) “self” to (big “S”) “Self”.

•   When you perceive your reality through “self”, you identify more with the ego mind: your thoughts, beliefs, conclusions, assumptions, and stories come from a very human-centered perspective. These mental projections weigh heavily in shaping what you perceive to be real.

•   When you perceive your reality through “Self”, you identify more with Spirit. You’re very aware of your connection to Pure Source and intrinsically know that you’re part of the Oneness. It’s a grander perspective—from a higher resonating  order—not mired in the ego mind.

•   The more frequency work you do, the more your resonance rises. And as a natural consequence, you start to be more aware of your experience from the “Self” perspective. You’ll have new thoughts (or better yet, awarenesses) and understandings, and a new context for everything happening around us.

•   It can be terrifying to witness the chaos unfolding in the world around us right now, viewed solely from the lens of the human ego self. Maintaining stability is difficult; getting sucked into despair is easy. But once you start to identify with your Self, from spirit perspective, you can then start to have an embodied experience of the purpose behind what’s happening—way more so than you can perceive from the human perspective.

•   The way Karen perceives it, what’s happening now presents a tremendous opportunity from spirit perspective. Individually and as a collective, we’re releasing the lower density frequency resonances of oppression, control, abuse, and greed. That’s why these patterns are so visible right now to us. We’re transitioning into a higher order where those lower frequencies cannot exist.

•   It’s an incredible time to be embodied—to experience consciousness making a massive jump. It hasn’t happened before in human consciousness. And if we choose to, we can experience this from the identification of the big “S”: aware of ourselves as consciousness having the experience of consciousness rising, while simultaneously experiencing the emotions, sensations, and physicality of the embodied human experience.

•   The shift is happening quickly. And in order to transition to the higher resonating realm, some people will have to leave their bodies. It’s just part of their journey to the higher level of consciousness—they’re going to do it, but for them that shift won’t happen while they are embodied. So if elevated death rates become a reality, that might be why.

•   This is an opportunity to strengthen like never before, to hold your space, and come to an understanding of yourself as infinite indestructible consciousness. That understanding simply isn’t a mental thing: To get there, you have to get to a higher vibrating order. GFCs and other frequency work will help release distortion patterns that are holding you back, to allow you to resonate higher. As you embody a higher frequency, not only will your personal experience improve, you will also be helping the collective and impact greater numbers of people.

•   To create the most internal stability during this time:

1.      Stay present in your body. Our minds like to project into the uncertainty of the future or the regret of the past, but your body exists only in the present. The more you anchor into your senses, the more it’ll pull you into the present moment of linear time.

2.      Become aware of where you are in space. To do this, triangulate: Become aware of 3 inanimate objects in the space around you, and feel the distance between the objects and you. It firms up your sense of where you are in space.

3.      Do frequency work. There are so many options available on the Spherical Luminosity website, and for those with fewer financial resources right now, there are plenty of free GFCs available to help you release distortion patterns so you can resonate higher and have a different experience during these turbulent times. They’re all there for you, to help support you and to help you grow—please use them!