
What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was about six, I thought I wanted to be a doctor.

That was primarily because I was given the Fisher Price doctor’s set which I thought was very cool.

You could hear someone’s heartbeat through the stethoscope and you could test someone’s reflexes with the little rubber mallet type thing that doctors use. I don’t know why, but it didn’t work on myself very well so I often tried to get my sister to let me rap her knees with that thing.

Unsurprisingly, she wasn’t totally into it.

A lot of us spend a lot of our formative teenage and early adult years trying to define who we are and who we are not. 

As we age, that sense of identity seems to harden, and often, for most of us, we don’t like it when others challenge who we are, or when we, ourselves, are forced by circumstances to question that for ourselves.

In this week’s episode (#108) “Identity – What Does It Mean To Be You” Dennis and I discuss how we all spend years establishing our identities. But is that who we truly are? Or is it simply a construct of the mind? In this episode, we’ll examine identity — and how our relationship to it shifts as we awaken.

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end will begin to help you gain some distance from your identity so you can better determine whether that sense of identity is serving you, or if it would be best to shake things up a bit and let parts of it go.

Without releasing the distortion patterns that keep us firmly rooted in our beliefs about who we are, we stay trapped in an identity bound by patterns that are not even ours.

Let’s rise together!



•   Identity is a challenge for most people, mainly because they believe it’s real. Once their identity is established — and then solidified — they really want to defend it. But even though we perceive ourselves in a certain way, others might not share in that view. Which is more accurate?

•   Identity is our mind’s way of trying to control things and stay safe. If we know what our identity is, everything seemingly becomes stable. For this reason, those with a lot of fear tend to lock down on their identity even more.

•   For children, if the mother has a lot of fear patterns, their identities will establish earlier because it gives them safety. In our late teens and early 20s, we begin to question what we’ve been told about the world. It can be a time of expansion — a reprieve from the confines of the identities we’ve established.

•   During our mid-20s, there’s often a contraction: as we take on roles of responsibility, we also take on identity patterns found in the culture that reflect what it means to “be responsible.” But because this is a rigidity created by the mind, it’s not real.

•   With the deep polarization going on in our world currently, the inability to simply be with other ideas that run contrary to one’s own is heightened more than ever for many people. So many people are extremely vested in attaching to what’s “right” and “wrong.”

•   Frequency work allows us to shed attachment to our identities. Things we once clung to dearly can be released, as the patterns they are, as constructs of the mind — no longer fundamental aspects of our core selves.

•   Letting go isn’t easy: it’s a constant process of release, and surrendering to that release can be quite scary at times. As you progress on spirit level, it’s required to let go of your identity — and there are deeper layers of surrender required as you ascend.

•   You may eventually have days where you don’t know who you are anymore (congratulations!). And while you’ll still have a sense of identity, you’ll find that it’s more fluid. Not as fixed. Your attachment or non-attachment to your identity becomes a good measure of your neutrality as you continue on your spiritual path.