
Have you noticed that little kids can be fascinated by the smallest things?

Ants moving to and fro, how jumping in puddles creates this extremely satisfying splash, how sand sticks together when it’s wet and can be molded into all kinds of shapes, how making a particular sound makes their throat vibrate in a hilarious way.

They’ll repeat things over and over and over because they are in the newness of the experience.

Wonder is much closer for them than it is for most adults.

It’s in large part why it can be so fun when we give in and play with them.

In this week’s episode, (#68) Dennis and I talk about Why Beginner’s Mind Is Your Ally, not just in terms of experiencing more fun, adventure and wonder, but why it’s so important from spirit perspective and how it can catalyze faster growth.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part – it will help to begin to loosen the mind’s grip and attachment to what it thinks it knows, so you can experience wonder, curiosity and openness more easily.

Being in beginner’s mind is particularly helpful as the collective tentatively moves into motion once again.

With nerves frayed, and anxiety still being so prevalent in the collective, as polarization intensifies, staying present in the wonder of the moment as it unfolds for you, has never been more important in helping us to access, be in and embody the higher part of the frequency bandwidth that is us.

Without removing these distortion patterns that make it more difficult for us to approach our worlds with beginner’s mind, we stay within the confines of what we think we know, or what emotions and thoughts we’re used to having, and can fall into boredom, routine, or the same emotional and thought-spin, unaware of the magic and beauty that is around us.

And that’s a serious bummer when we can so easily choose something different!

Until next time,



•   The beginner’s mind is when we’re curious and open to all possibilities—when our minds aren’t yet set with concepts, opinions and certainties.

•   Children are encouraged to explore, and they usually feel more at ease with the discomfort of a learning curve than adults do. But for most of us, as we get older we become more focused on seeking certainty. We gravitate toward doing what doesn’t make us feel uncomfortable or look foolish or clumsy. We tend to narrow our focus to the things we’re good at or feel certain about.

•   As humans, part of the learning available to us is exploring a range of experiences—and when we’re only fed the stuff we like, that range shrinks. Narrowing into what we like and people who agree with us makes our world small.

•   The more we can approach the world with a beginner’s mind—in wonder, openness, and curiosity—the more available we are for magic to unfold. Having no attachment to what is or what might unfold allows for much more possibility and synchronicity as well.

•   If you’re ascending on spirit level, you’re constantly in a state of unknown. So deliberately putting yourself in situations where you’re learning—where you’re becoming more at ease with the discomfort of the not-known or non-mastered—conditions you on the physical level for what happens on spirit level.

•   The more the unknown can be faced with wonder and curiosity—as opposed to fear, resistance, and expectation—the more acceleration you can have on spirit level. And life can be more of an adventure!