
The way I was raised, quitting was never an option.

It didn’t really matter if something wasn’t fun, fulfilling or sometimes even productive—I simply had to finish what I started.

Usually, “because I said so.”

This wasn’t something unique to my family, either. There is such an emphasis on the completion of things being a measure of success. If we quit then we’re somehow weak and we’ve failed.

But is that always the case?

In this week’s episode (#83) When It’s Legit To Quit, Dennis and I talk about being aware of our tendencies regarding “giving up” and the difference between lacking discipline and following the signs of momentum falling away.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part – it will help to begin to give you a better understanding of your core nature and when it’s actually time to let something go.

Without clearing these distortion patterns we can either give up too easily when the going gets rocky or we can spend a ton of energy on projects that may not really serve the greater good (which of course including ourselves as well!).

Here’s to knowing when to persevere and when to let go.

Let’s rise together!



•   Observing yourself and your patterns is the key to knowing if and when to quit. Some people are driven to try to muscle their way to a particular outcome, no matter how much resistance there is or how big a toll it takes. On the other end of the spectrum are people who want to bail as soon as things seem like they might be getting a bit difficult. Notice where you are on this spectrum.

•   If you’re the overachieving type, aside from your own mental construct and the outcome you want to achieve, notice if the energetic is there to support your forward motion. Have discipline in your stillness and the awareness of what actually is—as opposed to what you want.

•   If you tend to give up easily, it’s easy and can be tempting to construct the excuse that momentum has dried up. Has it? Or would you simply prefer not to deal with challenging circumstances? Your lesson might be to continue on because you’re still meant to learn something from that particular situation.

•   The point is to be aware of who you are and how you tend to be in these situations—and then assess the energetic. And if you’re doing frequency work, releasing your distortion patterns will save you from attracting the same loop of people, situations, and circumstances.

•   With respect to relationships, many people don’t want to be perceived as a quitter—and they don’t want to deal with the repercussions of leaving a relationship or situation. If you’re clearer of your distortion patterns, your mindset and emotions will change. You’ll care less about judgment from others—and you’ll judge yourself less harshly. Your fear of the leaving process will lessen as well.

•   As your frequency vibration rises, you’ll enter a higher resonation where things become less about you and more about the collective. Is it serving both parties for you to stay in the relationship? Is it serving the greater good?

•   What did I learn? As you experience this upward shift in frequency vibration, fear of failure shifts into a realization of the opportunity to learn—and failure is a fertile ground for learning. Failure allows us to explore, adapt and grow.

•   You have the ability to transcend whatever happens, and doing frequency work will help bring the knowingness that you’ve got the strength to adapt to anything that comes your way. Everything is an opportunity to move upwards in your journey.