
The first time I fell in love, I totally lost myself in him.

I thought it was supposed to be that way. All the movies and the songs in popular culture tell us that we are seeking for the one who completes us, makes us whole.

When that relationship ended, I was totally devastated.

I didn’t have any “me” left. It was NOT a good place to be.

Hmmmm . . .  what happened to happily ever after?

In this week’s episode, Dennis and I talk about intimacy redefined, how intimacy with ourselves is required before we can have a deep intimacy with another, and how completion within ourselves on spirit level liberates ourselves and the other.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) will help you to begin to clear the distortion patterns that are keeping you from this internal completion on spirit level.

Without clearing the distortion patterns around this, feeling complete will remain elusive and we can easily become too enmeshed in the other person in intimate partnerships, which keeps us weak on spirit level. 

Until next time,



  • One of the things that many of us would like to do is be able to fully accept and love with ourselves but before we can get there we need to be able to see ourselves clearly and accept what is there.
  • Typically most people are looking for intimate partnership to find completion, a sense of fulfillment, a feeling of being loved, or even being worthy of being loved.
  • Until we can feel love within ourselves, for ourselves, it’s really difficult to truly, unconditionally love someone else without an energetic hook to receive something in return from that other person.
  • When you have two beings who are complete on spirit level then you’re not needing the other to feel completion, happiness, or fulfillment because you already have it within yourself. When you do come together from that space, it is a joyful giving because there really are no strings attached, allowing both parties to be free.
  • Within an intimate partnership, because you are masterminding (you only need two being with a common intention for a mastermind to form), a third essence is created. The higher resonating and at peace each party is within themselves, the more momentum this gives the mastermind which then buoys each of the individual parties to a higher level.
  • If you can’t make yourself happy, no one else can make you happy — at least not beyond a fleeting moment. By making someone else responsible for your happiness, you are burdening them with an impossible task.
  • When people feel unhappy and they feel like they need someone else to make them happy, that expectation is often really more about control over the other so they feel safe or certain than it is about “happiness”, especially if they’re willing to sacrifice the other’s freedom or emotional state in order for them  to experience that feeling of safety or being comfortable.
  • Emotional intimacy is not just between lovers, it can be between close friends, parents and children, siblings, etc.
  • Once we know, accept and eventually love ourselves then we free ourselves and others from fear, control, manipulation, etc., and open up the possibility of real intimacy between ourselves and others.