Episode 236: Flow vs. Force: The Magic of Being In Coherence
February 9, 2025
You know those days when you just feel a little off? Perhaps you’re kinda out of sorts, impatient, distracted, or things are stalling out that should be happening smoothly.
It’s manageable if it happens for a day or a couple of days, but when it starts happening for weeks or longer we don’t realize it but we’re coming out of alignment. We fall out of coherence or harmony within the 3 main systems that comprise us. And things become harder, crunchier, and more staticky.
In this episode, we’re going to talk about what full spectrum coherence is, from the perspective of frequency work, and why it’s so important for feeling good, happy, like magic and synchronicity are available to you, and to just feel like things are flowing well in your life.
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Episode 235: The Ultimate New Paradigm Manifestation Method
January 26, 2025
Are you someone who’s fascinated by manifestation but wishes that it’d work more effectively and more consistently for you?
A lot of people struggle with many of the manifestation methods out there because they don’t understand what’s really blocking them from manifesting what they want to experience.
In this episode, we explore a brand new, higher consciousness way of manifesting, how it’s different, why other manifestation methods often fail, and how to gain more clarity and more consistency with your manifestation.
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Episode 234: Discover Your True Majesty
January 12, 2025
The majestic is something we think of as epic and usually something rare and spectacular out in nature. But did you know that you can actually feel majesty within yourself?
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about what majesty in the spiritual realm is, what it looks like, and how we can start to feel that way in our every day.
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Episode 233: The Secret Key to Connectedness, Manifestation and Spiritual Awakening
December 29, 2024
Did you know there’s one single relationship that governs how much abundance, connection, magic, and synchronicity you get to experience?
And it’s not your sweetie, your parents, or your kids.
If you want to know how to unlock a MUCH better experience of life and open the door to spiritual awakening, you need to cultivate THIS.
In this episode, we talk about what this unexpected relationship is, why it’s so important, and how to deepen it.
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Episode 232: The Little-Known Antidote to Fleeting Fulfilment & the Never Ending Chase to Have Enough
December 8, 2024
In this episode, we discuss a little-known distortion pattern that totally can cap how much happiness, fulfillment, abundance, and self-worth you feel.
It’s what causes us to believe we need something more, or something else, to make us feel complete. It’s a real pain in the butt and most people don’t even know it’s there. But, man, it definitely shows up in our lives—and I’m on a mission to help people clear this!
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Episode 231: The Dragons — A Surprising Catalyst for Power & Authority
November 24, 2024
Have you ever been fascinated by dragons? They show up pretty much everywhere: from France to China, Scotland, and even in the Mayan symbology.
So is the dragon frequency real? And more importantly, can it have an impact on your frequency resonance rising, or said differently, on your spiritual awakening?
In this episode, we discuss what the dragon frequency is, how it can impact us, and what the role of the mystical is in spiritual awakening.
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Episode 230: Making that Divine Connection — Spirituality vs. Religion
November 10, 2024
With all the crazy stuff that’s going on in the world these days, more and more people are feeling anxious, alone, and unfulfilled with modern life and are seeking something greater.
To feel more connected. To cure an emptiness that they can’t fill with things they buy.
In this seeking, many are turning to spirituality or religion as a pathway to a deeper connection.
In this episode, we’re talking about the differences between spirituality and religion, and the potential limitations of both. We’ll address how much more they overlap than we think, and the most efficient pathway to your own unique experience of the divine.
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Episode 229: What Really Happens When You Die?
October 27, 2024
One of the questions I get all the time is “What happens after we die?”
There’s so little specific, accurate information on this, and many people are very, very afraid of death.
What we don’t know, we fear.
So in this episode, we’re going to address what actually happens after we die. We’ll debunk some myths to reduce the fear of dying, and we’ll provide context for what’s an inevitable part of the human experience.
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Episode 228: Microdosing — Is There A Hidden Cost?
October 13, 2024
Microdosing, whether it’s psilocybin or LSD, seems to be the new thing everyone’s trying.
But how much is it really doing? And aside from the trip, what’s the impact on your spiritual awakening?
In this episode we talk about what the benefits and limitations of microdosing are, on frequency level, and what little-known consequences to watch out for so if you choose to experiment you can get the most out of it.
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Episode 227: Spiritual Awakening — It’s Not all Unicorns and Rainbows
September 29, 2024
A lot of people are seeking spiritual awakening.
But it’s kinda like most of them think they’re going to end up levitating, with everything becoming all unicorns and rainbows.
But what is spiritual awakening, actually? What REALLY happens? And, I mean, why do you even care?
In this episode, we talk about what spiritual awakening is, what you experience when you attain it, and my take on how to get there most effectively.
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Episode 226: Neutrality — The Secret Ingredient to Manifestation & Spiritual Awakening
September 15, 2024
There’s a state of being that most people aren’t able to access, that can totally change your life experience.
Neutrality may not seem all that important. But it’s incredible when you start to think about how reactive you often are to other people and situations, how much energy you spend trying to control totally uncontrollable things when you start to spin in your head with worry, and how you can take things so very personally when most of the time they ultimately have nothing to do with you at all.
In this episode, we talk about what neutrality really is, and why it’s so important for being able to effectively manifest, not to mention spiritually awaken. And of course, we’ll talk about how to actually get there!
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Episode 225: Calling In The Life You Want
September 1, 2024
Did you know that just like a radio tower, you’re actually broadcasting your frequency resonance? And that broadcast is what calls in your life experience—it’s why your life is the way it is.
How high your frequency resonance is dictates what experiences you get to have, how much abundance you experience, and what your life feels like to you.
In this episode, we’re going to dive deep into why, exactly, having a higher frequency resonance matters, how much it affects you, and how to raise it so you can actually create and experience a better reality.
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Episode 224: Mastering Spiritual Authority — Confirming the Removal as an Act of Power
August 18, 2024
Did you know that there’s a HUGE difference in how much momentum you get to experience by doing this one thing?
Most people who want change don’t realize that their active participation in releasing what keeps them stuck is critical. In this episode, we talk about what that one thing is, what a difference it makes, and just as importantly, why.
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Episode 223: Ancestors & Evolution — Shifting Your Spiritual Legacy
August 4, 2024
In many cultures, there is a reverence for the ancestors. But yet, many of the distortion patterns that keep us stuck come from what our ancestors experienced before us.
Can we move beyond those old distortion patterns and have a different and more positive relationship with our lineage and ancestors?
In this episode, we talk about how our relationship with our lineage shifts as our vibration level rises and the trippy consequences of what happens when we start to clear the distortion patterns of the lineages of our past or alternate lives (whoa—black belt!).
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Episode 222: Calm the Chaos – The Art of Centering Yourself
July 21, 2024
Did you know that there’s one specific thing that can cause us to feel scattered, make poor choices, feel overwhelmed and anxious, and like we’ve got way too many thoughts spinning us up into our heads?
It’s being out of your center, and most people don’t even know it’s a thing!
So what pulls you off center, and when it happens, how do you get back? In this episode, I share 6 takeaways that you can do quickly to bring yourself back into your center, which means that you’ll feel more present, more focused, more at peace—so you can feel and just be better.
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Episode 221: Connect & Elevate – The Power of Community
July 7, 2024
Most of us like to feel like we belong to something bigger than ourselves. To be part of a group of like-minded people who, in our case anyway, are following a similar growth trajectory.
What happens when you choose to be part of a community that is respectful of your process and committed to being their highest and best version of self? Does it have any effect on our spiritual journey?
In this episode, we discuss the unexpected impact of community on your momentum, the level of awakening that you have access to, and the surprising lessons you can learn from being in community—without the creepiness of a cult situation.
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Episode 220: Perfection’s Over-Rated – The Journey to True Self-Worth
June 23, 2024
There’s a sneaky, very pervasive pattern that keeps us from experiencing the abundance we want, the love we desire, and the fulfillment we seek.
It shows up in all kinds of ways and it can be damn hard to release because it’s so deep.
It’s low self-worth, or said differently a feeling of non-deserving. Of not being enough.
In this episode, we talk about why this pattern is so deep, how it shows up to limit us in so many ways that we’re often not aware of, and how to let it go—enough for a significant shift to start to happen.
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Episode 219: Happily Ever After? The Myth Of the One
June 2, 2024
If you’ve ever watched a Disney movie involving some kind of princess who lives happily ever after with her Prince Charming, you know that there’s a LOT of mythology around finding the One.
And OMG there’s so much pressure, from our families, the media, our cultures and old religious stuff—and even ourSELVES. So much emphasis on trying to find this One, outside of you, who will make you happy forever and ever.
In this episode, we discuss who this One really is, what to watch out for in your search and how to have the love that you’re seeking.
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Episode 218: The Unexpected Root of Loneliness (& how to get to the other side)
May 26, 2024
Loneliness can be such a visceral, empty, and heavy feeling. It can often tip into despair because we feel like we’ll just never be loved—that we’ll always be alone, separate. Sometimes we can feel like we just don’t belong anywhere.
In this episode, we’re going to discuss the little-known root of loneliness, 3 simple tips to help you when you’re feeling lonely, and the one surefire method of taking all of the wind out of the sails of loneliness.
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Episode 217: Love Beyond Fear – Relationships in the New Paradigm
May 12, 2024
Have you noticed how complicated relationships can be sometimes?
Someone might think that they’re being clear and loving but that’s not how it’s received AT ALL. Some people have a hard time being authentic or saying “no” because at some level they’re worried about not being lovable or even likable. Others feel like they’re always being left out or don’t BELONG anywhere.
In this episode, we talk about why all that happens in the old paradigm and how things are starting to shift as consciousness rises and we move into the new paradigm.
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Episode 216: The Invisible Dynamic That Can Crush Your Progress
April 28, 2024
There is a sneaky little dynamic that we often don’t realize we’re doing that can really stall our spiritual journey, not to mention making it harder to co-create a beautiful life experience.
In this episode, we discuss this dynamic and the consequences, why it tends to remain hidden, what to watch out for, and how to kick it to the curb so it doesn’t keep holding you back.
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Episode 215: 9 Unexpectedly Powerful Tips To Feel Your Best, Fast
April 14, 2024
Sometimes life can feel like it’s coming at you. It can be overwhelming.
If you want to get back to feeling more in alignment, more at ease, and more connected, in this episode we share 9 unexpectedly powerful self-care tips that are not practitioner-dependent, meaning you can do them yourself without help from someone else.
You can do these on your own whenever you feel you need them, so you can feel your best faster!
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Episode 214: From Peru to Scotland – A Tale of Two Spiritual Adventures
March 31, 2024
Sometimes we’re called to participate in an adventure or a journey and we don’t yet know why. We just have this feeling that doesn’t really make much sense, a feeling that you really should.
In this episode, Fiona and I talk about what happens when you follow that calling. The important work and magic that unfolded in Peru as a result and how that’s leading into the magic, personal awakening, and shift in consciousness for all that’s about to happen in our next spirit adventure in Scotland.
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Episode 213: Detox 2.0 – Upleveled Integration
March 17, 2024
Are you someone who likes to integrate change quickly? If you’re someone who geeks out on growth, sometimes you can inadvertently slow your progress down.
In this episode, we talk about our greatest challenge when it comes to this higher level re-organization, and how we can inadvertently limit our own growth if we attach to the way things have been.
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Episode 212: Frequency Calibration – The Key to Unlocking Your Limitless Potential
March 3, 2024
EVERYTHING is influenced by one thing—how fast you’re vibrating.
Yep. It’s true. We’re all light vibrating at different speeds. So how high your vibrational rate is dictates everything in your life.
From what your life looks like, how good you feel day to day, the opportunities that are open to you, even down to how much abundance you get to experience.
So then how do you raise your vibration, or said differently your frequency resonance? What does it mean to “calibrate” your frequency resonance and why does doing so have so much positive impact and catalyze so much transformation?
In this episode, we discuss what it means to calibrate your frequency resonance and also how to optimize it so you can experience more of the brilliance of life.
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Episode 211: Lasting Love – Finding Mr or Mrs Right
February 25, 2024
Finding a partner who you want to be in a long-term relationship with can be intimidating. There are so many weirdos out there. Swiping right or left seems oddly disconnected. So how do you find Mr. or Mrs. Right?
In this episode, we talk about the 9 things to look for if you’re looking to find truly happy, healthy connected, passionate, and fun lasting love that will help you be your best self.
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Episode 210: Beyond Love – Exploring the Heart’s Quantum Connection
February 11, 2024
When you think of the heart what do associate it with? Did you know that your heart holds all kinds of little-known potential? There’s so much more to it than love, which is kinda crazy because love is a pretty huge thing!
If you truly want to awaken spiritually, you need to learn about the heart’s quantum connection. It’s the place in our body where the spirit and the physical meet—the gateway to the infinite.
In this episode, we talk about the importance of the heart space to spiritual awakening, and to greater fulfillment, and how you can access more of the potential that your heart space holds.
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Episode 209: Pain Body – The Root of Drama
January 28, 2024
Did you know that one of the things that can keep you stuck in self-blame, being triggered and stuck in the same emotional reactions is something called your pain body?
It can cause all kinds of drama. And it can really feel like you’re in a hamster wheel of reactivity.
In this episode, which is a brand-new take on a topic we initially released a few years ago, we revisit what the pain body is, how it can stop us in our tracks, why we can’t just get rid of the dang thing, and how it can actually help us when it’s clear and functioning properly.
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Episode 208: Getting Triggered – Regaining Your Emotional Balance
January 14, 2024
Many people have been noticing that they’re more easily triggered these days. Has this been happening to you, too?
Meaning you’re extra sensitive and possibly overreactive (more than you’d like to admit, dangit!) to what’s being said, what people are doing, or even just how they’re being? It can really feel like people are doing things TO you.
Even when you’re totally aware that it’s happening and you know that you don’t want to be in that overreactive state, it can be so hard to stop being so triggered.
In this episode, we talk about what being triggered is, why it happens, how to be less reactive, and even better, how to use getting triggered as a way to give you more momentum.
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Episode 207: Your Higher Purpose – The Key to Fulfillment?
December 31, 2023
Do you yearn to find your purpose? Do you feel lost because you don’t know what your purpose is?
Why is this idea of our purpose so important to us? Is there something bad that happens to us on spirit level if we don’t figure it out? And what is our highest level purpose?
In this episode, we discuss what true higher-level purpose is, how to find it, the expected challenges when you think you’ve found it and what it means to live it.
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Episode 206: Harness the Power – Accessing Universal Life Force
December 10, 2023
Do you sometimes feel like you have to do it all yourself? Like you’re struggling to keep up with everything that needs to be done, but you’re not quite making it. Sometimes it can really feel like you’re slogging uphill—but does it actually need to be that hard?
In this episode, we discuss universal life force. An unseen, infinite, massively powerful, and nurturing force that can help us feel energized and supported. We delve into what it is, and most importantly how to access it.
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Episode 205: Transmute Chaos into Alignment – The Power of Spiritual Alchemy
November 26, 2023
With the increasing instability, polarity, and extremity in everything from our political and financial systems to the weather, it can feel like we’re sinking into chaos.
But did you know that you can actually transmute chaos into alignment and harmony – AND do it in a way that gives you tremendous spiritual acceleration, not to mention a way better experience of life?
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Episode 204: Unlocking Cosmic Wisdom – The Light Codes Revealed
November 12, 2023
What are “light codes?” They sound really cool, right, but where do they come from? And why are they so important right now?
In this episode, we dive into the mystery of the light codes.
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Episode 203: When Hunger is Not the Issue – Transcending Emotional Eating
November 5, 2023
Have you ever noticed yourself eating when you’re stressed out, bored, or just procrastinating? Often when we eat, we’re not even particularly hungry—we’re eating compulsively because we’re seeking comfort, soothing ourselves. We’re eating for emotional reasons.
In this episode we talk about what emotional eating is, what causes us to eat compulsively even if we’re not really hungry, and what the best way is to help us stop what can feel like out-of-control and self-sabotaging behavior.
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Episode 202: Quantum Leaping & Timeline Jumping
October 22, 2023
Did you know that it’s possible to radically shift your experience of your reality? You’ve probably thought about how certain choices you’ve made in your life have led to new trajectories that would never have happened without that choice. But is it possible to influence your reality in an unexpected way, leading to new trajectories or timelines without a linear progression?
In this episode, we discuss an advanced spiritual concept on the cutting edge of what is possible with consciousness.
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Episode 201: The Rise of the Wise Woman
October 8, 2023
When many of us think of the wise woman, we think of her as a native elder. But does that archetype exist as a frequency resonance within all women? What does it look like within the Western cultural context? And do you have to be a certain age to access that resonance?
In today’s discussion, we talk about the power of the wise woman, what it can look like in everyday life, and what can be done to embody it more.
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Episode 200: Unlocking The Magic – Ceremony Demystified
September 24, 2023
Sitting in ceremony seems to be really popular these days. From the rise of cacao ceremonies to cleansing ceremonies to full moon ceremonies, ceremony is often seen as synonymous with “spiritual”.
But is it necessarily what we think it is? Where does the power of ceremony really come from?
In this episode, we discuss what true ceremony is, why it can be so powerful, and what to look out for when you participate in ceremony.
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Episode 199: Wholeness Is the New Wellness
September 10, 2023
What does it mean to feel whole? Why is it the foundation of liberation? What can change in your life when you start to experience it?
In this episode, we’re going to discuss how wholeness affects every aspect of wellness—and beyond—and how to increase your sense of wholeness.
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Episode 198: Navigating the Sisterhood – Rising Above Rivalry
September 3, 2023
In recent years there’s been a rise in the notion of the “sisterhood.” An ideal of women supporting women in the face of generations of discrimination.
There have been great strides made, but there’s also a frequently occurring dynamic that rears its head in the everyday interactions between women. And not only can it diminish other women, it can even prevent a woman from really coming into her own authority and power.
In this episode, we’re discussing competition between women, why it happens from spirit perspective, what to look out for, and how to navigate it.
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Episode 197: Feeling Awesome Around Low Vibe People
August 20, 2023
There’s a lot of fear, uncertainty, scarcity, and anger out there. And it can be hard to deal with people who predominantly see the world that way.
In this episode, we’re discussing how to navigate relationships with those who vibrate lower, why those people are in your world, and how you can best learn from your experience with them without it pulling you down, too.
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Episode 196: Healing vs Growing – Do You Need Fixing?
August 6, 2023
So many of us feel like we need to be healed, that we’re broken, and that somehow there’s something damaged and inherently wrong with us.
But is there a fundamental disconnect in the journey of “healing” that can actually keep us from moving forward into an even better version of ourselves?
In this episode, we have a moving discussion of a key distinction that’s a total game changer, helping us shift from being stuck, with only some small, hard-earned gain, to an experience of acceleration, expansion, and even spiritual awakening.
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Episode 195: Finding Your Center in a Global Meltdown
July 30, 2023
Everything seems to be getting more uncertain, from the weather to the economy. How do you best cope with these polarized and unstable times? And why is this all happening?
Today we’re discussing the reason for all the stuff that’s going on these days, how to cope, AND even better, how to thrive.
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Episode 194: The Illusion of Scarcity
July 9, 2023
Scarcity is everywhere you look. Even in people who seem to have a lot of money, there’s so often a fear that there will not be enough in the future. And actually, it’s not just about money. People experience scarcity of time, resources, love, attention — you name it.
So if it’s everywhere, why am I suggesting that scarcity’s not really real?
In this episode, we’re discussing one of the most pervasive and deep-set illusions at this level of consciousness, and how to break the illusion of scarcity and start to access the limitless abundance that’s our birthright.
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Episode 193: The Ultimate Freedom – Spiritual Sovereignty
July 2, 2023
Many people strive to feel freer in their options, their opportunities, and how they express themselves. But what is real freedom, sovereignty from a greater spiritual perspective?
And why is it so important for the awakening process and for living your best life? What does it take to get there? And how do things change for us in our life experience as we become increasingly free on spirit level?
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Episode 192: Identity – The Invisible Force That Holds You Back
June 25, 2023
Did you know that one of the biggest obstacles to the change or transformation we want to experience is the attachment to who we think we are? Or said differently, our identity?
In this episode, we explore our attachment to identity, what that can look like, how it limits us, and how our experience can radically change once we loosen the grip of attachment.
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Episode 191: The Unexpected Connection Between Grief & Growth
June 11, 2023
Even if we’re not consciously aware of it, grief is often very interwoven in our lives. Whether it’s people you love having passed on, or you’ve left a relationship that no longer served you, or even if you’re moving into a newer, better version of yourself—we can grieve the loss of what was, even those things that we know weren’t really good for us.
It is so visceral, often painful and it can sometimes feel like it’ll never end.
In this episode we dive into how to best journey through grief, the importance of and the reason for the grief process, and what to watch out for.
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Episode 190: What’s REALLY Behind the Curtain
May 28, 2023
You may have heard the term “the illusion” when it comes to our physical reality. But what does that really mean? It definitely seems like reality is pretty solid! And more importantly, if this is really an illusion, is it possible to change how we experience it?
In this episode, we discuss what the illusion is, how it’s created, its real purpose, and how you can alter your own experience of the illusion.
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Episode 189: The Wisdom Keepers & Ancestors
May 14, 2023
Many traditions talk about ancestors, elders and wisdom keepers. Do these beings actually still have an impact on us today? If so, what role do they play? What makes them special?
There are a lot of stories and beliefs around them, and also a pretty common misconception that someone is a wisdom keeper just because they’re of advanced age.
In this episode, we talk about wisdom keepers, elders and ancestors, how they overlap and how they’re different, how they are helping us as we transition to the new consciousness, how to identify a wisdom keeper and some things to watch out for.
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Episode 188: You Are Limitless—Becoming A Next Level Human
April 30, 2023
You may have heard people (or even me!) talk about the “new consciousness,” or sometimes the “new earth.” So that sounds intriguing, and probably like a good thing, but is this a real thing? If so, what does it really mean for us, as humans?
In this episode, we’re discussing what it means to be a “new consciousness” or “new paradigm” human. We talk about what the experience can look like, what is possible as many of us rise exponentially in frequency resonance, and what we need to do to access this new level of potential.
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Episode 187: Unlocking the Secrets of Frequency Work—Key Nuances Explained
April 16, 2023
Understanding nuance can lead to important “aha moments.” In this episode, we address some subtleties of the expressions and terms I commonly use in the podcast, workshops and retreats. Things like:
“If you don’t understand what I’m saying, don’t worry – the words I’m saying are not important.” Well, what do you mean they’re not important?
Also things like:
“What is embodied knowingness?”
“What do you really mean by frequency resonance?”
“What do you mean by ‘Let’s rise together!’?”
So if you’d like to get a deeper understanding of some of my most commonly used shorthand terms, definitely check out this episode!
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