
Episode 184: Unravelling The Mystery Of Frequency Work

For this episode’s GFC, click here. I’ve recently discovered the Netflix series called Chef’s Table where they highlight extremely passionate, highly talented and creative chefs. Part of the reason that I love the series is not only because I love food, I find...

Episode 178: Spherical Abundance

For this episode’s GFC, click here. Happy new year!! When I was growing up, one of the first sitcoms I ever watched was “Silver Spoons”. I had a super heavy crush on Ricky Schroder. I understood the premise that he was supposed to be a wealthy kid, but I didn’t really...

Episode 177: Cracking the Code of Co-Creation

For this episode’s GFC, click here. Merry Christmas to you, if you celebrate it! When I was growing up, the Rubik’s Cube was all the rage. My parents got my sister and me one each for Christmas because they’d heard that it would help with our math skills. I was...

Episode 176: Frequency Work Fundamentals – Reboot

For this episode’s GFC, click here. Chris and I recently discovered “A Chef’s Table: Pizza” on Netflix. Some advice: Do NOT watch this show if you’re hungry! One of the many things I loved about watching this series is how obsessed the pizza chefs were with the...

Episode 139: Clarifying Surrender

For this episode’s GFC, click here. Somewhere along the way in my spiritual journey, I was told that in order for me to ascend higher, I needed to surrender. So I did what I thought was surrendering. I made lists of what was holding me back, looked at my own...

Episode 138: Cults & The Dynamic Of Oppression

For this episode’s GFC click here. I remember watching the news in the early 90s of the siege at the Waco, Texas compound of the Branch Davidians.   After all was said and done, 76 people died in that siege, many of the followers, or the children of...

Episode 137: The Worst Distortions Of All

For this episode’s GFC click here. Until I was about six, I really believed in Santa Claus.   I was a little confused about how on Christmas Eve he could have gotten into the apartment that we lived in at the time, since there was no fireplace or chimney.   I...

Episode 135: Making The Most Of Life

For this episode’s GFC click here.   I remember the first time I saw a monk.   I was seven years old and we stopped in Bangkok en route to Malaysia to visit my father’s side of the family for the first time.   Even back then, Bangkok was a crazy, big city...

Episode 134: What’s Going On With Kids These Days?

For this episode’s GFC go to: https://youtu.be/EfHGR5RnMZw When I was growing up in the 70s we had a black and white TV with rabbit ears that my dad would have to rotate around to get a good picture and we needed to change the channel, someone would have to get...

Episode 133: The Spaces In Between: The Death Space & The Void

For this episode’s GFC click here. The first time I heard of those float pods where you get into highly salinated water that’s exactly body temperature, so you can float without any effort, in total blackness, I was in Montreal visiting my sister.  ...

Episode 130: The New Frequency Resonance Of Time

When I was a kid, a lot of the toys my sister and I played with were hand me downs from our cousins. One of the things that I liked to play with was this set of plastic logs that you could build things out of. The challenge, though, was that it was missing a bunch of...

Episode 129: Clarifying The Journey – What To Look Out For

The first time I stayed overnight somewhere without my parents, I was 11 years old and on a school trip to Quebec City, the capital of the province of Quebec.   It has an old town and a ton of sites that were pivotal for Canadian history, like the Plains of Abraham...

Episode 128: What Is The New Consciousness?

When I was a kid, I used to LOVE to watch magic shows.   Anytime there was one on TV during the week, when my sister and I were definitely NOT allowed to watch television, I’d beg my parents to let me watch. Sometimes, so long as both my sister and I had...

Episode 127: Upending The Culture Of Fear

There’s no use dancing around this one, so I’ll get right to it.   There’s increasing polarization and fear irrespective of what side of the political spectrum you fall on.   Generally the focus of this polarization and fear is vaccination.   From...

Episode 126: Confidence vs. Bravado

When I was in junior high I couldn’t have been more removed from the cool kids if I’d tried. I didn’t have name brand ANYTHING. I tried to convince my mom that wearing polo shirts with the little guy on the horse was REALLY important, but she was...

Episode 125: Truly Falling In Love With Self: Arancha’s Story

One of the things I love most about what I do is witnessing others discover and embody their own brilliance.   All of our journeys there are truly unique.   How long it takes us can really vary, but whenever I am fortunate enough to witness that happening, even for a...

Episode 124: When Ego Masquerades As Awakening

One of the first “woo-woo” or more out there “spiritual” events that Chris and I attended (which now looking back on it, wasn’t particularly out there!) was a weekend class in San Francisco that a well-known author named Michael Harner...

Episode 123: What It Means To Give Our Power Away

When I was growing up, my Dad was very not traditionally Chinese in many ways but when it came to his authority as the head of the household, he was VERY Chinese.   My sister and I were not really allowed to question what he said or the rules that he set.   ...

Episode 122: Steady As She Goes – Holding Your Space

  When Chris and I lived in San Francisco, I had a friend who was really close to her family. They lived in a city that was about 2 hours away by car so she didn’t see them nearly as much as before she moved to San Francisco, but they were very much a part of...

Episode 121: Mastering Your Frequency Bandwidth

  Have you ever had one of those days where you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed? For whatever reason, your day starts off really crappy, and it just goes downhill from there. Even before lunchtime you find yourself asking “can this day get any...

Episode 120: The Danger Of Being Nice

When I was in first grade, trading stickers was a big deal.   I had a sticker book, which was this folder with pages of plastic that you’d stick the stickers on so you could see them and also still be able to peel them off to trade them for other stickers.  ...

Episode 119: The Little Known Recipe For True Success

When I was growing up I really wanted a Big Wheel. Do you remember those things? It was a super low-slung plastic tricycle with a huge front wheel. And they were SO fun to ride! A friend of my sister’s had one and sometimes he’d let us ride it.  There was...

Episode 118: Absolute Scarcity

We have an exciting change to announce for Mastering Your World Through Frequencies. If you missed it in the newsletter, after over 100 episodes, Dennis has decided to pass the co-host torch to someone new. It’s a tremendous amount of work to create these...

Episode 117: A Masculine Perspective On Awakening

Have you ever found that gaining a different perspective of something provides “aha!” moments or a clarification of nuances that you didn’t even know you needed?  As you may know, my husband and business partner Chris resonates at a similar frequency...

Episode 115: Demystifying The Dead

When Chris and I first moved to Hawaii, one of the things that I really noticed was that there were a lot of informal memorials or “shines” to people who’d been killed in car accidents by the side of the road. There’d be someone’s...

Episode 114: Travel – The Opportunity of the Unfamiliar

I’ve always loved to travel. There’s something about being immersed in the language, culture, rhythm and food of certain places that call to us, that is really compelling to me. When we’re off traveling somewhere, Chris and I love to spend a good...

Episode 112: Imagination – The Key To Much More Than We Think

When I was little, one of my favorite things ever was to listen to someone reading a story. As they read, my imagination filled in all these details and the stories came to life in my mind. If the storyteller had to stop before the end of the story for some reason,...

Episode 111: The Higher Level Impact Of Play & Adventure

When I was young I used to love to play outside. Summer was a great time because there was more time to play and my sister and I were outside A LOT. We played hide and seek, skipped rope, went raspberry picking in the woods behind our house and went to the swimming...

Episode 110: The Mystery Of Water

I’ve always been a water baby. My mom took me for my first swim when I was only a few months old. She says I LOVED it and didn’t want to get out. She thought I’d fuss from the coldness of the water but the hollering started when she tried to take me...

Episode 109: The Unexpected Impact Of Your Physical Environment

I’ve always loved TV shows about interior design makeovers. They take these spaces that are sad at best, and with some paint, wallpaper, light fixture replacement and some light remodel magic (or heavy, depending on the show) the space is completely transformed...